Which one is healthier for you? Nordic Natural’s Fish Oil Gummies or MrBeast Gummies? You will be surprised, or will you? Nordic Naturals Fish Oil Gummies What do they look like? I will tell you these are in a childproof container, and it’s really, really hard to open. I was struggling with it. That means […]
As an autism mom, everyone says you need to take care of yourself first, fill your own cup first, work on your stress levels. And I have no clue how to do that. One parent left this amazing quote on one of my videos and asked me to get into the topic of beginning to […]
Does your child ever get caught in a loop? Do they continue something past the point where it seems acceptable? Then it might be that your child with autism is perseverating. What is perseveration in autism? Perseveration is the uncontrolled repetition or continuation of something in the absence of any reason for those thoughts or […]
It is time to get real about all things autism. Some supplements and other items are super expensive. I buy them and review them for you. This is not sponsored by anybody. Nobody has paid me for my opinion. I will present my view based on working with parents in over 17 different countries (so […]
Autism can be very stressful for the child, but it’s also very stressful for the parents. In research from 2010, parents of children who have autism experience the same level of stress as a combat soldier! Parents need to be diligent about destressing. Otherwise, their health will be impacted in the long term. You want […]
Review time. It is time to get real about all things autism. Supplements and other items are super expensive, but are they worth it? Here, I buy them and review them for you. This is not sponsored. Nobody has paid me for my opinion. I will present my view based on working with parents in […]
It is Book Club time! And this month’s book is Qigong Massage. This was a very popular one. This book gives a great breakdown of Qigong massage and it gives specific exercises to do. It has instructions on how to make the most of this book. Let me read a quote or two from here. […]
Topics we’ll cover: What is an Autistic Meltdown What is an autistic meltdown? Short answer, overload of so many possible things. Let me explain. Meltdowns are not temper tantrums. Meltdowns are similar to the fight response. There is a hardwired biological response. Many times there’s an underlying health issue that can make someone more susceptible […]
Has your child done things that are brilliant? That shows high levels of intelligence but then doesn’t do it again? Deep in your heart do you believe your child is intelligent? Listen to a mom describe her journey with her autistic son. No one thought he was intelligent…sometimes not even the mom…but he was and […]
Topics we’ll cover: The new October 2023 study The latest autism research study found that 37% of children with autism lost their diagnosis! Wow! That’s profound, right? Let’s learn the science in this study. Losing the autism diagnosis is a controversial topic. Please note, that I am not expressing any opinions here. I’m guiding you […]