
Persistence of Autism – Oct’23 Research on children losing ASD diagnosis

Topics we’ll cover: The new October 2023 study The latest autism research study found that 37% of children with autism lost their diagnosis! Wow! That’s profound, right? Let’s learn the science in this study.  Losing the autism diagnosis is a controversial topic. Please note, that I am not expressing any opinions here. I’m guiding you […]


All About Spelling to Communicate

Topics we’ll cover: Spelling to Communicate – New Research What does this card in the video below symbolize? Freedom!! Looks like a simple piece of paper right? It is so much more. This is what is used by people who communicate through something called spelling to communicate but many times it’s abbreviated as S2C. A […]

Can Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) be Used to Detect Autism?

Scientists don’t have all the answers all the time. Our bodies are so complex that it’s a fallacy to think that we know how our bodies fully operate. We don’t. And when we have wrong information, we can make really bad decisions because we didn’t understand the entire situation. This is happening in the scientific […]


Can children with autism be taught to read?

Yes, even if speaking is an issue, your child can still learn to read! Let me go over the basic steps in learning to read. Pre-Reading Skills You have pre-reading skills and that’s awareness of print words. Most children with autism have this in great strength. This is when your child knows what brand of […]


Comparing Your Child to Other Kids?

Ever go to a party and see other children, then get mad that your child seems like they’re so behind? It doesn’t stop there, right? Then you start thinking about the next decade or two, projecting more difficulty into the future. And then depression sets in – anger, despair, exhaustion, frustration right? Let me share […]


All About Stimming

Topics we’ll cover: What Does Stimming Mean? What does it mean when an autistic child is stimming? Stimming is a great way to connect with your child. Sometimes it can be frustrating or even embarrassing. Stimming is behavior. Think of it as communication. Stimming is a shortened way of saying Self-Stimulatory Behavior. Many times what […]

Should I Give My Child With Autism Tetrahydrobiopterin?

Hi, Dr. Theresa Lyons here, creative navigating autism and eat to heal autism. And this week’s ask dr Lyon’s question pertains to co-morbidities, specifically metabolic disorders. And the one we’re going to look at today is Tetra hydro biopterin. Yes, we’re looking at BH for dysfunction in autism. So if your child has low neurotransmitter […]

Does My Child With Autism Need Carnitine?

Hi, Dr. Theresa Lyons here, creator of navigating autism and ETL, autism. And today’s ask doctor line’s question is about healing autism through healing co-morbidities. And today we’re looking specifically at metabolic disorders, and the one we’re looking at is carnitine deficiency. So if your child has low muscle tone, muscle weakness, fatigue.  [00:00:26] If they’ve had any […]

Can My Child With Autism Also Have An Immune Disorder?

Hi, Dr. Theresa Lyons here, creative navigating autism and eat to heal autism. And this week’s ask dr Lyon’s question is, does my child with autism also have an immune disorder? There are poor immune disorders that can commonly be comorbid with autism. So if you want to heal autism, really need to make sure you understand all of […]


Bioray Dream Machine Review – Opt or Drop?

We have another episode of Opt or Drop. We’re looking at Bioray. They have a wide variety of products – NDF Tummy, NDF Immune, NDF Calm are really common ones that are used in the beginning. You can certainly check out the other videos I have.  This is a sleep aid – Dream Machine, and […]

6 Ways To Make Sure Your Child With Autism Feels Loved

In life, moments of deep pain show us who we are.  I would love to protect my daughter from everything and make sure that she never experiences pain, but that would be limiting her life and ability to grow as a person.  To quote the Bible ‘When He has tested me I shall come forth […]


A Long Walk Down A Winding Road book review

It’s book club time. Thank you for voting on the book. If you’re on my email list, you get to vote on what books I read and summarize for you in these videos.  This month, the book is A Long Walk Down a Winding Road, written by Sam Farmer.  Now, I spoke with Sam Farmer […]