Does your child with autism laugh for no reason at all? Do they have these large mood swings? Happy one minute, anger or rage the next? Do they not handle transitions very well? Then you might have heard about Oregano as a possible solution. Oregano is an herbal remedy. Does it work? What does it […]
Welcome to Book Club. This book is all about teenagers and autism. This is a very small book. It’s really kind of a guide. I think this book is great in the sense that it touches upon certain topics. But it’s not really going into depth in anything. If you’re starting to think about your […]
Welcome to our book club. You voted on what book for me to read and summarize and this book [Activate Your Vagus Nerve: Unleash Your Body’s Natural Ability to Heal] got so many votes! In this section, I will go over what the vagus nerve is and discuss the physical observables. If someone has issues […]
We are talking about one of the most expensive probiotics on the market. The questions we will answer are: As parents, we often feel the need to try everything to give our children the best opportunities in life. But is a $165-a-month probiotic worth it? Let’s find out! What is Neuralli? It’s a single-strain probiotic […]
Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1 is a particular strain of Lactobacillus plantarum, and it is one of the best-studied Lactobacilli. Its genome was reported in 2003 and currently, only 30% of gene function is unknown. Whereas I’m sure everybody’s heard of L. acidophilus NCFM2 and L. rhamnosus GG3 – those two bacteria, the genomes were only reported in 2005 and 2009 […]
10% healed completely from autism. Well, what about the 90%? It’s a very good question. So in 2010 researchers reported results from following 207 kids diagnosed with autism at age two and found that about 9% showed “optimal progress” at age four. Meaning that they had autism at age two and no longer had autism […]
In our body, lungs are where oxygen in carbon dioxide exchange occurs. Asthma is a chronic/reversible (there’s a lot of debate as to whether asthma is a chronic disease or reversible disease), just know that in the literature it is described as both. So asthma is a chronic/reversible, episodic obstructive airway disease caused by hyperactivity of the […]
Are you healing your child from autism? In the science world, we call it optimal outcome. Are you giving your child a lot of supplements? Do you wonder if they even work? We’re going to look at cobalamin, also known as vitamin B12 so if that’s what you’re interested in, then keep watching. Autism Comorbidities […]
Up to 91% of those with autism also have gastrointestinal disorders as a comorbidity with autism. If you want an optimal outcome for your child, be sure to address any GI problems they have. Now, the problem with GI disorders is that those with autism use behavior to communicate their GI symptoms, which is very different […]
You have to start somewhere, and I know that can seem frustrating. You’re a great parent. You just want to start and somehow know the right answer before you start. Unfortunately, there’s very few things in life that are like that. You have to start somewhere. Goodness, the amount of information that’s out there is […]