Does Autism Effect Life Expectancy?

I’m going to start off with two scientific facts. Autism involves both genetic and environmental risk factors. Autism And Life Individuals with autism appear to be at substantially heightened risk for death from injury. In 2017, an analysis was done on those in the United States with autism who died between 1999 and 2014. The […]

Magnesium & Autism

Warning – This is for Beginners AND Advanced Magnesium is many times used both at the beginning of healing from autism, as well as towards the end. In the beginning, it’s usually used alone, but towards the end of healing, it’s used in combination with other supplements that need Magnesium as a cofactor. So, many […]

Autism & Food Allergies

Autism involves both genetic and environmental risk factors. That is a basic fact about autism. It’s really not disputed anymore. Healing from Autism is possible, currently, 9% of those diagnosed with autism heal completely. That’s a scientific reported fact. It is not controversial. It is pretty well accepted in the scientific and medical community, that […]

The Silver Lining Of Regressions

Many parents ask me, ‘’My child is improving, but now has regressed. Is all that improvement lost forever?’’ No. There are two types of regression commonly seen when healing your child from autism, and each one actually has a great benefit. The first type of regression is from when you introduce a new aspect of […]

Is Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) Effective For Those With Autism?

Warning: This information is NOT for Beginners PEA has been widely studied for various therapeutic areas in thousands of adults, but it is not well studied in children. PEA is not a supplement to start with, but for those who have a knowledgeable healthcare team in place, PEA can be an option. So please, make […]

Autism: Regressions While Healing

As you heal autism and see positive changes in your child, you might be scared that what you healed will return. You might fear a regression. You might start obsessing over a potential regression. The best way to stop the fear of regression is before it starts. Easily said, I know, but it takes practice […]

How Can I Teach My Child With Autism To NEVER GIVE UP?

The fantastic way to do it is to let them see you fail at something and not give up.  Can I Tell You A Story? I decided to do some Navy SEAL type training. Mind you, at the time, I couldn’t even do one pull-up. I decided I wanted to do something called a Murph. […]

Will Carnosine Help With Socialization?

Warning – This information is for Beginners Carnosine is most often used in the early part of the autism healing journey. It’s usually after the first step, which is diet changes. Make sure that a special diet has been implemented for a couple of months to see if carnosine really is needed, and then you […]

Autism: How To Encourage While Being Accepting

We love our children. We want the best for them. We want them to be happy in life and to live to their fullest potential. But as parents, sometimes it can be hard to encourage without pointing out their struggles, the things to overcome. So what do you do? I have a solution. Let me […]

Remote Learning is Bonkers

Is it still Wednesday?!?  Is it just me or do the days seem to just go on and on and on?  Yesterday I was beyond stressed but today is much better.  This is a very weird/stressful situation to be in.  I have lots of feelings…it’s like being a yo-yo so I’ve been trying to keep […]