Autism, at times, seems like there is so much to do. So much stress. Worry over making “the right” decisions. Sometimes it seems like the need to make important decisions doesn’t stop…school, therapies, babysitters, activities, socialization…what’s needed, what’s not needed…it can get exhausting, right? School decisions are at the forefront right now. The pandemic changed […]
Let’s celebrate some success. I just got off the call with a client and picture it: a 16-year-old girl with autism just had her first pain free day. Can you believe it? Earlier she used to have stomach aches, headaches. She didn’t feel good, but she didn’t even know why. She didn’t know what was […]
Some adults with autism report that they feel chronic exhaustion, loss of skills, and reduced tolerance to stimulus. Many people with autism, they talk about it, as if it’s a burnout. And there are many people with autism who experience this. However, it’s not formally recognized by doctors or therapists. So there’s a big disconnect […]
My last post was all about the introduction of what autistic burnout is. I got several questions from parents who said they have young children, and they were asking can a young child have autistic burnout, so let’s look into that. Why try to understand autistic burnout? “Autistic Burnout” is starting to be defined and […]
Warning: This information is not for beginners. So if your child is not on a special diet, then this is really not for you. This is information from a clinical trial. So this is from 2017. It’s cutting edge. This is not FDA approved for autism. The mechanism of action that I’ll explain in a […]
Today’s post is for all the parents who have ever been told “That’s just autism”, when their child does something, it is such an unsatisfying answer. And I’m sure your gut intuition is like, no, no, no, there’s a reason for this behavior, whatever it is. So if you’re in that situation, read this post, […]
Today’s blog is all about teachers, school, and anxiety. Warning: this post is for everyone. Sometimes my blogs are for parents when they’re in the beginning stages of starting to heal autism, other times my posts are for way more advanced aspects of healing autism. This blog is for everyone and it will show you […]
Published research on COVID-19 trends among people with, and without intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).
There’s a lot of good information in here that’s really going to help you with your child, so let’s get straight to it. Vitamin D Vitamin D is a potent neurosteroid important for brain neural development and antioxidant mechanisms. The cerebrospinal fluid contains vitamin D and enzymes, which take part in vitamin D synthesis in the brain. […]
So what are digestive enzymes? Great question. They’re plant or animal proteins that are similar to the enzymes in our human gastrointestinal tract that help us digest the food we eat. In 2009 the autism research Institute parents survey found that of the 2,350 responses 62% saw a benefit in using digestive enzymes for their child […]