This month’s book club is: Ido in Autismland- Climbing Out of Autism’s Silent Prison -Ido Kedar Welcome to our Book Club! Thank you for voting on this month’s book. If you’d like to vote for next month’s book, please join my email list here. Has your child ever done something with, let’s say, hand over […]
If you are a parent who wants to know what your child with autism might be thinking or if you’re someone with autism and you want your parents to know that you’re smart and you’re doing your best and kind of all those thoughts in your head that you haven’t been able to express, then […]
Dr. Patrick M Nemechek proposed this protocol and it is NOT going to work for every child with autism, developmental delays, or sensory issues. Why? The core focus of Nemechek Protocol: Bacterial overgrowth in the Small Intestine The protocol involves specific, natural supplements – omega fatty acid as found in olive oil and fish oil […]
This month’s book club is: AUTISM, DYSBIOSIS, AND THE GUT-BRAIN AXIS Dr. Alex Vasquez Welcome to our first Book Club! Thank you for voting on this month’s book. If you’d like to vote for next month’s book, please join my email list here. This month’s book is a technical book discussing some of the root-causes […]
How do you let go of the sadness that your child didn’t have this wonderful childhood experience that you were expecting, and how do you let go of all those feelings around not being the parent that you were dreaming of, the experience that you were expecting? And that’s what this blog post is all […]
Happy New Year. Happy 2021, everyone! Recently, a few clients have asked me, “How are you so light and happy?” So, I just wanted to go over it briefly. It’s been about five years & I didn’t go from frustrated, overwhelmed to happy, joyful & in a gown for no reason. In the video above, […]
In the beginning of healing autism, I wanted it to be linear, straight, easy and done quickly. I had no patience, no appreciation for what we were going through. I wasn’t enjoying life, so I wanted this part to be over as quick as possible. Unfortunately, that did not make things go faster—me wanting things […]
The question I got from a few parents in response to my email last week about my Mom Life bumper sticker was “What am I doing wrong?” Firstly, let me thank you for your honesty and willingness to learn. It’s not easy to admit when we feel like we are failing at something. And when […]
In many ways, life has been much slower lately. It’s given many of us more time to think. Have you thought about what kind of memories will you have to reflect on when you’re older? Will you sit there and tell stories about what you’ve accomplished in life? What you’ve overcome? With these stories, will […]
Just because we’re still in certain aspects of quarantine does not mean we have to put our lives on hold. There is still 5 months left to 2020. You can turn 2020 into a wonderful year, if it isn’t already. What do you want to create? What do you want to learn? What are you […]