We love our children. We want the best for them. We want them to be happy in life and to live to their fullest potential. But as parents, sometimes it can be hard to encourage without pointing out their struggles, the things to overcome. So what do you do? I have a solution. Let me […]
Is it still Wednesday?!? Is it just me or do the days seem to just go on and on and on? Yesterday I was beyond stressed but today is much better. This is a very weird/stressful situation to be in. I have lots of feelings…it’s like being a yo-yo so I’ve been trying to keep […]
We are all doing our best to maintain the health of ourselves, our families, communities, and the world at large. The phrase “social distancing” has been used a lot lately to encourage people to stay home in efforts to stop the spread, but it’s a misnomer. We need to practice physical distancing, NOT social distancing. Let […]
Goodness, our reality is very different today than it was a week ago. Not much is the same. No school. Businesses shut down. Food scarcity is on everyone’s mind. I’ve never seen so many people focused on toilet paper! It seems like there is panic in the air. We are experiencing something most of us […]
“Are hearing problems causing speech issues for your child with autism, even if they passed their hearing test?’’ This post is for you if you've ever said to yourself, “I know my child can hear, but I also think he can't hear certain things, even though he can hear.’’
Impatience in healing autism is something that often comes up in my work with parents who are healing their children from autism. ‘’We want our children to thrive now!’’ I get it, but we parents, we get frustrated with impatience.
If you suspect your child with autism has a hearing problem, even though they might be able to pass a hearing test, you more than likely are right. Loss or lesser functioning of the inner ear can cause a reduced ability to discriminate between two sounds or also impaired auditory tuning.
Melatonin most often is used at the beginning of healing but sometimes used towards the end. In the beginning, it’s usually used alone and solely for sleep but towards the end of healing, it is used in combination with other supplements.
It is estimated that the prevalence of autism worldwide is 1% of the general population and increasing steadily. Males are three time more likely to affected by autism than females. Twin and family studies show that ...
In life, moments of deep pain show us who we are. I would love to protect my daughter from everything and make sure that she never experiences pain, but that would be limiting her life and ability to ...