Is it still Wednesday?!? Is it just me or do the days seem to just go on and on and on? Yesterday I was beyond stressed but today is much better. This is a very weird/stressful situation to be in. I have lots of feelings…it’s like being a yo-yo so I’ve been trying to keep to some of our routines.
Every morning for the past 5 years or so, my daughter and I read an inspirational quote after breakfast. We try to start our day positively. The calendar this year has an intention for each month. April’s is:
This month I pay close attention to the words I say and work to make them as positive and affirming as possible. For example, I no longer use the word “should,” which implies that something is wrong. Instead, I use “could,” which gives me choice. Such a shift illustrates how any thought can be changed to one that empowers and uplifts, prompting Life to bring me experiences to match.
Should…aaaahhh should. Where am I “should-ing” right now? Remote Learning.
Goodness. There are so many things that we have going on in our lives. Our health is a real concern. Being able to provide food and shelter for our family is much more challenging. And on top of all this, most of us have remote learning to deal with.
In case you feel like you “should” be doing more regarding education…
You are a parent.
You can’t replicate ST, OT, PT, the classroom, ABA, and whatever else your child might be doing – at home by yourself.
You can’t suddenly be a speech therapist.
And an occupational therapist.
And a physical therapist.
And a teacher.
And an aide.
All while either caring for other children, working from home or figuring out how to earn income, cooking, cleaning, and so many other responsibilities we have.
Yes, your child does need some type of educational program during the school closure. Work with your school to find out what is required for your child to be marked present. Have realistic expectations of what’s possible. This week a client said to me:
“I can’t replicate what they get in school, so I think what I’ll do is try to have the best time possible with my child.”
YES!!!! This is a great way to look at doing the best you can under these stressful times.
And when you do get frustrated and annoyed, take a step back and do something that usually makes you smile. Whatever works best for you – dance break, play with a pet, journal, meditate, call a friend, take a shower, or anything else that helps recharge you.
For April, every morning, I will share my calendar’s inspirational quote for the day on my Instagram and FaceBook stories. If short inspirational quotes make you smile (like they do for me), come follow me either on Instagram or FaceBook. I’d be happy to help you smile!
Just do the best you can. You’ve done hard things before. You can do this!
“‘Should be’ will always be a long road.”
S. Kelley Harrell