
Persistence of Autism – Oct’23 Research on children losing ASD diagnosis

Topics we’ll cover: The new October 2023 study The latest autism research study found that 37% of children with autism lost their diagnosis! Wow! That’s profound, right? Let’s learn the science in this study.  Losing the autism diagnosis is a controversial topic. Please note, that I am not expressing any opinions here. I’m guiding you […]


All About Spelling to Communicate

Topics we’ll cover: Spelling to Communicate – New Research What does this card in the video below symbolize? Freedom!! Looks like a simple piece of paper right? It is so much more. This is what is used by people who communicate through something called spelling to communicate but many times it’s abbreviated as S2C. A […]

Autism: What Is L. Plantarum?

Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1  is a particular strain of Lactobacillus plantarum, and it is one of the best-studied Lactobacilli. Its genome was reported in 2003 and currently, only 30% of gene function is unknown. Whereas I’m sure everybody’s heard of L. acidophilus NCFM2 and L. rhamnosus GG3 – those two bacteria, the genomes were only reported in 2005 and 2009 […]

10% Heal Completely From Autism But What About The 90%?

10% healed completely from autism. Well, what about the 90%? It’s a very good question. So in 2010 researchers reported results from following 207 kids diagnosed with autism at age two and found that about 9% showed “optimal progress” at age four. Meaning that they had autism at age two and no longer had autism […]

What Is The Association Between Asthma And Autism?

In our body, lungs are where oxygen in carbon dioxide exchange occurs.  Asthma is a chronic/reversible (there’s a lot of debate as to whether asthma is a chronic disease or reversible disease), just know that in the literature it is described as both. So asthma is a chronic/reversible, episodic obstructive airway disease caused by hyperactivity of the […]

Autism: Is Aggressive Behavior A Symptom Of Gastrointestinal Pain?

Up to 91% of those with autism also have gastrointestinal disorders as a comorbidity with autism. If you want an optimal outcome for your child, be sure to address any GI problems they have.  Now, the problem with GI disorders is that those with autism use behavior to communicate their GI symptoms, which is very different […]


Does Creatine help in Autism

Does your child have low muscle tone or language delay or do they walk on their toes? Does it seem like their body just doesn’t have enough energy? Creatine might be an important amino acid for you to know about! There have been cases in the literature where the child’s autism symptoms are actually caused […]


Goldenseal and Autism

Are you thinking about giving your child with Autism Goldenseal? For years, Goldenseal has been used in those with autism as an antimicrobial and antibacterial, and anti-yeast herbal remedy. Have you come across this herb in doing your research? What is it really used for? In this post and video, I will show you the […]

Microglia, Microbiota, & Autism

Does your child have gut dysbiosis? Has improving their gut improved other symptoms as well? Is there some science to back that? Welcome to my video series on microglia. In this post, we will explore the microbiota and microglia. There is now compelling scientific data suggesting that the intestinal microbiota can play a causative role […]